Modern Backgammon
Auteur :Bill ROBERTIE
Editeur :The Gammon Press
Année :2001
Langue(s) :Anglais
Niveau :Intermédiaire
Résumé :eginning in the 1990s backgammon neural net programs like Jellyfish, Snowie, and Extreme Gammon reached the level of the best human players and eventually exceeded it. Unfortunately for students of the game, however, the neural nets teach only by example. While they play extremely well, and can find the best play in almost any individual position, they offer no hints toward an overarching theory of the game.
Modern Backgammon breaks through that barrier to provide a look at the general concepts that lie behind the bots’ sometimes baffling and mysterious plays: efficiency, connectivity, non-commitment and robustness. These concepts are explained in clear and concise form, butressed with hundreds of examples. Playing well in the modern era requires an understanding of how these different elements of the position affect strategy as a whole. Modern Backgammon shows how to apply these simple ideas in all types of situations.